Shoulder November 18,19,20

2022-11-18 - 2022-11-20


The shoulders not only move the arms and upper torso, but also essential for momentum in walking, movement of the neck, release of the lumbar spine as well as digestive and emotional conditions. And, most important from the CoAT perspective, movement is key for proper function of the lymphatic system and thoracic drainage.  In the CoAT Shoulder course techniques for release of shoulder conditions such as frozen shoulder, tendinitis, bursitis, carpal tunnel, are addressed by understanding the sequence, pattern and flow of fluids through the axilla and thoracic region. Fluid displaces bones, which stress joints, which affect muscle tonicity, leading to pain and dysfunction. The CoAT Shoulder workshop opens a new perspective to reduce inflammatory conditions.


All Dates

  • From 2022-11-18 to 2022-11-20

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